
Saturday, June 8, 2013

The age of Entrepreneurship

With the rise of the Internet and other new communications technologies, the field of entertainment is increasingly difficult to define. In this profile, we're talking about film, television, and music, as well as sports-each a form of entertainment raking in millions of dollars. Today more and more people are breaking out of the traditional work society and starting their own business. The funny thing about the majority of these people is they have joined the entertainment industry. It seems like every time I speak to someone lately they are a photographer, artist, producer, video director, model, actor etc. With the accessibility of the Internet and social media people fell more confident now more then ever to take a shot at the entertainment industry.In entertainment and sports, profit comes from discretionary spending, so these industries enjoy the most success in economically stable countries where leisure dollars flow freely. Industry companies supply their audiences with large-scale sporting events, music concerts, TV situation comedies, and silver-screen masterpieces. Simply put, they're in the business of fun-at least most of the time. Even during economically depressed periods, this industry flourishes as an escape for all walks of life. And standing at the pinnacle of entertainment culture are the celebrities: the movie stars and quarterbacks and rock stars and talk-show hostesses who either realize our dreams and give us hope, or make us fearful of the kind of values and environment of which current future generations will become a part. This is the only industry whose product is an illusion-neither a good nor a service, and yet both at the same time. Today you don't an agent, don't need to be signed and don't need a lot of money to make it so now we have the birth of entrepreneurship. 
I myself have joined the band wagon of becoming an entrepreneur, for me this is not a trend it is a permanent way of life.

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